What's the Point?

Good Morning Folks!  

Happy Tuesday!  I have been on a trend of not getting my blog posts out until late recently, did I mention that the end of the year is busy???  😂😜  (Maybe just a time or two right?)  It has meant some shorter posts but hopefully, they are no less important.  My aim is to still deliver the messages you need to hear each day.  

This morning I wanted to share a Lunarbaboon Comic that I found this past week. You might remember that along with Strange Planet, Lunarbaboon is a favorite of mine.  The author makes art that speaks to our shared humanity and illustrates pretty simple and important themes of life like kindness, acceptance of others and self, and awareness of our impact on others and the world.  Have a look at this one...

So how about you?  Do you get the point?   

Are you leading your best life?  

Are you spending your time doing things that make you happy instead of stressed or overwhelmed? (think riding your bike vs. devouring hours of social media each day).

Do you have a clear understanding of the things that create joy for you personally vs. the things that bring you down?  
(I do want to acknowledge here that some kids might say, in response to only doing things that make you happy, "why do I have to go to school then?"  I know...sometimes school is hard and boring, and uneventful, but if you look at it in the long term, the energy you put into making learning meaningful is an investment into yourself and your future.  If you invest in yourself you'll have opportunities to decided what makes you happy, and you'll have the means to pursue those things).  

Do you spend time with people that make you happy?  

Do the people you choose also choose you?  Meaning, do they treat you like a friend?  Do they respect you and your choices, and support you in pursuing your dreams?  If the answer to any of these questions is no, maybe you should consider the point of giving them so much of your time.  

Are you being a friend?  Showing kindness, gratitude, respect and genuine care & concern for others is attractive.  You will never be without friends if you display these simple qualities.  

So be kind, be a friend, have a friend, and invest in activities that make your heart happy.  The rest is gravy!  

Stay Cool Cougars!

Mrs. Hempey


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