When It Just Won't Work

Howdy, all!

So this morning, as I exercised and prepared for my day, I pondered what I wanted to write to you all today.  I was thinking about humor and how much it has helped me through all of this.  

An example is a text thread I have going between my sister, and brother and myself.  A week or so ago, my brother made a funny comment about the way our family is quirky and weird, and we all got to sending Gif's and Memes back and forth to communicate our feelings about the comment.  By the end of it, I was laughing so hard that my kids got out of bed to see what was so funny.  

Only my siblings really understand the hilarity associated with the interworkings of our childhood, so the continued text thread has been one of the sources of humor that has kept me afloat these past few weeks.  Nevermind that no one else would get it.  It's fun for us!    

I tell you this story, why?  Because the idea of sharing Gif's and memes was going to inspire my daily blog post.  I thought that I could do a whole blog post in Gif's and Memes, and it would be fun, and funny, and a good way to start the day with a little bit of lighthearted humor.  

Wellllll.....that just didn't work.  I consider myself somewhat tech-savvy - okay, maybe just middle of the road tech-savvy - but even so I thought I could figure it out.  Annnnnd I couldn't!  I just could not figure out how to embed a Gif in my blog post.  I watched some YouTube videos to try to figure it out,  tried downloading the Gif's both as images and videos and then uploading from there, but again to no avail.   Maybe it's just not possible in Google Blogger or maybe it is possible and I am missing a simple step...who knows?  Maybe someone who reads this will teach me...anyone?

Point being??? 

Not everything is going to work the way we want it to during this unexpected foray into distance learning and tech platforms.  So the lesson from me for the day...give yourself a break.  It's okay to mess it up, to not get it right, to make a mistake, or to just put it to bed for the day.  Maybe you'll figure it out tomorrow, and that needs to be okay.  You just need to not give up on yourself.   Take it one step at a time, one moment at a time, one assignment at a time, one email at a time, whatever.  Give yourself permission to fail, regroup, and figure it out a different way.       

Maybe tomorrow I'll figure it out, and it's okay that that's okay. 

Love ya all!

Mrs. Hempey



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