The Least Reasonable Explanation!

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Here's a little Strange Planet for you today...

I wanted to share this funny because it represents where our brains tend to go when we are worried about something.  Our mind-matter tends to go to the least reasonable explanation for things that we stress about instead of the most logical explanation.  In this funny, the simple logical explanation is that the life-giver opened the portal!  

This funny to remind you that your brain likes to play tricks on you sometimes, so you need good strategies for getting your irrational thoughts under control when they start to run away from you.  Stop, breathe, talk to your brain, think about the logical explanations or reasons.  Don't jump to a conclusion or catastrophize a situation.  Remind your brain that there is no reason to go into fight, flight, or freeze mode when mild curiosity and logical explanation mode will suffice.  

As an aside, there is a national talk like a pirate day each year in September, but I'd also love to see a national talk like a Strange Planet alien day too!  I think it would be hilarious!  Here are some examples of Strange Planet lingo...
Refridgerator = Sustenance preserver
Pillow = Comfort Square
Microwave = Spinblaster
Bicycle = Two-Wheel Foot Pusher
SunGlasses = Personal Star Dimmers
Necktie = Seriousness cloth
Socks = Foot Fabric Tubes

Let me give it a try...
While the largest star remains high in the atmosphere, I wish that you have only cheerful interactions with your fellow strange beings.  
Have a great day!

Mrs. Hempey


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