Be This Kid
Happy Thursday Everyone,
Thanks for tuning in today folks on this out-of-the-ordinary Thursday at home. (Wait, what even is ordinary anymore?!? 🤷)
Moving on...this week I spent some time with the sixth-grade Brookies team to talk about kindness. I was really psyched to join each of the core pods for a little refresher on kindness.
It's a long year, and around this time, we tend to be in our silos...we focus on our friends and ourselves, and tend to forget that those around us that we don't tend to connect with as much need our kindness and compassion too.
In our lesson, we talked about how kindness is the most powerful, least costly agent of human change. Kindness can come in all kinds of ways, and it doesn't have to cost you anything monetarily or even socially. If you are someone who displays kindness to the "least among us," your personal reward will be strong.
When I have the opportunity to drop my kids off at school in the morning, the last thing I say to them after I say I love you is, "be a good human!" I hope they will always choose to be this kid...
I hope you will also choose to be this kid too!
Be Well,
Mrs. Hempey
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