Finding Clams in the Chaos

Happy Thursday Everyone,

I have a Pixar short for you today...

I think this film perfectly epitomizes middle school.  Kids learning to venture out into the world by themselves a bit, maybe they find it scarry and hard sometimes, and would rather just stick to the nest.  But then their eyes are opened by something - a subject they feel passionate about, a club or group that inspires them, and artistic endevor that lights them up, or a sport that makes them feel strong and capable.  And then, once those eyes are opened, that kid - you - feel empowered to take on the world!!  That's what I love about middle school.  I love seeing your eyes get opened to all the possibilities and beautiful things that await you!  

Amidst the sometimes chaos of life, there are many clams both big and small to find.  So keep getting out there Cougars...keep getting inspired, stay curious, and don't be afraid of those waves.  Remember that sometimes, the biggest struggles provide the most beautiful endings!  

Have a great day everyone!

Mrs. Hempey   


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