Another Trip Around the Sun


Happy Thursday Folks!  

Yes, today is my birthday.  Just another day, really, but a good day to be grateful for another trip around the sun.  I just started hearing people use this expression in the last couple of years, but I really like it.  It's a little reminder that...

1.  We shouldn't take anything for granted, because nothing is guaranteed.

2.  We have a new opportunity each day, when we open our eyes, to make it great!  

3.  We have 365 opportunities each year to be amazing!  

Since my purpose of this blog is to share pearls of wisdom with you, I think I'll try to come up with for each of my trips around our big ball of light.  

Here goes, in no particular order:

1.  Don't spit your gum out on the sidewalk.  Help keep someone else's good day from becoming sticky!

2.  Make little fists with your toes on the carpet when you wake-up each morning...go ahead, try relaxing!

3.  Jump in puddles!

4.  Don't forget to stretch.

5.  Smiling is the first step to success.

6.  The world is sometimes brave, be bold, and be fabulous anyway!

7.  Wear what makes you feel comfortable.  

8.  Keep the company of those who cherish you for you!

9.  Learn something new each day.  

10.  Don't be afraid to fail.

11.  Sit up straight!

12.  Say please.

13.  Say thank you!

14.  Say you are sorry...and mean it. 

15.  Ask your older family members to tell you stories about their lives when they were kids.

16.  Try hard. 

17.  Dig deep holes in the sandbox!  

18.  Be authentic.

19.  Be a kind person.  Simple...easy...important.  

20.   Wear sweatpants if you want!

21.  Don't depend on others to do it for you.  

22.  Ask for help when you need it.  

23.  Accept help when you need it.  

24.  Recognize others when they do a great job and be happy for them!

25.  Don't be afraid to strike out alone.

26.  Don't be afraid to cry.

27.  Be humble.

28.  Care for those that have less.

29.  Listen to the plight of others.

30.  Find mentors and learn from them. 

31.  Laugh with friends, but not at the expense of others.

32.  Understand that everyone is evolving, no one is perfect, and most are just trying their best to get through it all.  

33.  Never underestimate the power of a decluttering day!

34.  Talk to animals...your own or other people's.  They understand.  

35.  Trust yourself.

36.  Do the hard thing first.

37.  Forgive where you can, move on when you can't.

38.  Try to find the best in people even when they are at their worst.  

39.  Family often makes the best friends.  

40.  Say good-morning, good-afternoon, and good-night.  

42.  Don't go to bed angry

43.  Read a lot!

44.  Know your worth and make sure others understand it too.   

I hope you've all had a great day!  

Mrs. Hempey 


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