Changing Gears

Happy Monday Everyone,

I was partway through today's post and unexpectedly had to go home due to my son being ill.  My post was going to have a "homework" component to it, which requires that I set up a little in-box in my office.  Now that I am not in the building today, and won't be tomorrow either, I can't get the things ready that I need to prepare before I publish the post.  So I am changing gears, saving my draft for a later date, and providing some different thoughts for the day. 

Like Mr. Drake has said to the staff and teachers all year...Pivot!  Be ready to shift gears at a moment's notice and plan to stay flexible so that we can meet needs even it is from different spaces and platforms.  So here I am in my living-room workspace writing to you all about something I wasn't expecting to write about today.  Pivoting!  

Now, I definitely haven't felt like telling Mr. Drake to "shut up,"  and I don't suggest you try it either, but I want to acknowledge that it can sometimes feel like we are totally done with pivoting, right!?!  That's why I chose this little video clip - sometimes the only thing we can do is approach it with humor!  Watching this made me think of this little gem I came across the other day...

You need the wishbone for dreaming, a backbone for dealing with the tough stuff, and a FUNNYBONE to find the humor in it all!  I hope you find some time today to have a chuckle while you are pivoting!  

Here is one more to tickle your funny bone today...
Be Well Today, Cougars!

Mrs. Hempey


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