Inauguration Day

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I hope that you are doing your job within this democracy today, and watching the transition of power and the inauguration today.  Whether you were happy or unhappy about the results of our November election, Democracy's most important component is that the people get to choose.  Without the people's voices - the differing opinions, the robust exchange of ideas, and the civil discourse - our government can't work.  

Though you can't vote now, some of you who are already 14 years old will be able to vote in our next election, and the rest of you will be able to vote in the election after that.  It is your job to educate yourselves now so that you understand (at the very least) the basics of how government and politics work in the US.  When your time to vote arrives, you should be able to make a decision about who you want to lead which is grounded in reason, fact, human decency, and sound judgment. 

Part of educating yourself means watching and being aware.  It means listening to and analyzing the information you hear from the media and digest on social media, and it means having civil conversations with people you agree with and people you don't.   So I hope you'll educate yourself today by watching.  

Here are some links to do so.  

Inauguration Coverage for Young People

Inauguration of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris

Have a great day everyone!

Be Well,

Mrs. Hempey


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