Healthy Risks...

Happy Monday Everyone!

I saw this little video clip last week and it made me think about the healthy risk conversation that I have with kids sometimes.  Watch the video first. 


I liked this as a reminder that life is full of all kinds of healthy risks.  Sometimes when we talk about "risky" behavior, we're talking about the things you shouldn't do...use substances, fail to wear your seatbelt or bike helmet or hide important things from your caregivers and teachers.  But there are many healthy risks out there, and those are the ones I am focusing on today.  

Here are some examples:  

You like singing, but have a little stage freight...enter the happening anyway!

You want to go to summer camp, but you are a little afraid of being away from home...enroll anyway!

You think you know the answer in math class, but you might be wrong...raise your hand anyway! 

You want to learn to snowboard, but you've never tried it before...take a lesson anyway!

You want to make a new friend, but you are not sure if they'll want to be your friend...say hello anyway!

You want to try out for the basketball team, but you are new to the sport...try out anyway!  

These are all examples of healthy risks.  You can try them and you may be successful and you may not.  However, in taking these healthy risks you are supported by loved ones, friends, and teachers, and no one, including yourself, is going to be hurt if you fail.  Might your pride get hurt...possibly...but can you rebound from that?  Absolutely!  The cool thing about a healthy risk is that either way you grow from trying.  You either learn something new and it opens a new door, or you aren't successful and you can decide to have a growth mindset and forge a new and different path or circle back and try again when you are ready.  

The gentleman in the video above reminds us that trying new things is fun, keeps us young and healthy, and provides excitement and challenge.  It's also not a call for perfection.  You can try something and do it in just a "so-so" way, but if you love it and you get enjoyment from it, then it doesn't matter whether it's perfect or not.  

This is kind of reminding me of my French Macaron adventure over the break.  I had been wanting to try baking them for a while, but I had heard how tricky they were to get right.  But then I watched one video from a chef who said something like, "even if they don't come out perfectly, they'll still be super tasty!"  So I decided to try them.  They were marginally successful from a looks perspective, 

but they tasted great and were a super fun treat to have around the house!  (Viola!  Healthy Risk!  And next time I make them, they'll probably be that much more successful!)

Healthy risks can come in all shapes and sizes and they are for everyone!  What healthy risk will you take today?  This week?  This year?  

If you need help with how to forge ahead in taking a healthy risk, let me know, I am happy to help!

Be well,

Mrs. Hempey



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