U Matter

Good Monday Morning to you all! 

As we enter week four of our distance learning program, I wanted to remind you all that U Matter!!!

One of my biggest concerns having you all so physically disconnected is that you will feel alone and/or insignificant.  I encourage you to take stock of the ways that you are still connected to those around you  - either physically (your family), virtually (school and peers), and emotionally (to the millions of people across the globe who are in this with you - Consider becoming a penpal with someone who needs to hear from you - get your parents permission first).   

I want to remind you that you have people you can reach out to if you are ever feeling lonely or in need.

The following are a list of resources available to you if you are feeling sad, lonely or are thinking about harming yourself.

School Staff:
Mrs. Hempey - jhempey@huusd.org or call or text 560-5163
Mr. Estes - joshestes@huusd.org
Nurse Saunders - ksaunders@huusd.org
Britt Hock - bhock@huusd.org
Any other trusted Adult

24/7 Crisis Hotlines:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1800-273-TALK *8255*
VT Crisis Text Line - Text "VT" to 741741

Additional Resources:
Washington County Mental Health and Washington County Mental Health Screeners - 802-229-0691
Vermont 211 - Dial anywhere in VT or visit www.Vermont211.org
Umatter U Can Get Help

National Hopeline Network:  800-442-HOPE *4673*
Screening for Mental Health - In-person and online screening programs for depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicide prevention.

GLBT National Health Center  - 888-843-GLBT *4564*
GLT National Youth Talkline - 800-246-PRIDE*7743* - Online Peer Support Chat - Telephone volunteers in their teens and early twenties speak with teens and young adults up to age 25 about coming-out issues, relationship concerns, parent issues, school problems, HIV/AIDS, anxiety and more.
The Trevor Project - Trevor Lifeline 866-488-7386  www.TrevorSpace.org Trevor Chat: 202-304-1200 Trevor Text: Text the word "Trevor" - Providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ Youth
Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860

To start off the week, lets all practice some mindfulness, to center ourselves and start from a place of peace...

Please, don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need support...an email to me is the same as a knock on my office door.  I encourage you to come on in!

Love and peace to you all!
Mrs. Hempey


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