Every Little Thing...

Happy Tuesday at Home!

I've seen this clip pop up on my social media before, but when I ran across it again this past weekend, I felt like I couldn't not share it!  

What a little sweetie!  And I love his message, which was originally sung by Bob Marley in, Three Little Birds.  

In his song, Don't Worry Be Happy, Bobby McFerrin also reminds us not to worry, but to be happy!

Yes, I know, many of you will say, "well, it's just not that simple, Mrs. Hempey!"  And I don't disagree.  It's not like we have a magic wand that we can wish away all of our troubles with (even though I ask kids the magic wand question a lot - "if you had a magic wand, what would you like to be different?")  But it is worth reminding yourself when you have a problem, that those problems need to be put into perspective and can often times be improved if we practice having a positive frame.  

Here are some examples:  

You get a low score on an assessment...reframe and ask what you could have done differently to understand the material better.  Complete homework assignments?  Read more?  Work with a partner?  Seek support from the teacher?  Get more rest?  Ask more questions in class?  Believe in yourself more?    

You have a disagreement with a friend...reframe and remember that relationships take work, and remind yourself that when you have disagreements, it allows you time and space to learn things about yourself (what you want and need out of peer relationships) and things about your friends (do they consistently display characteristics that show me they care about me as a person?)  Disagreements can strengthen relationships sometimes, as long as the two parties can respectfully communicate, compromise, and agree to care for each other.  

You feel frustrated with a peer who doesn't think or learn the way you do...reframe and remind yourself that everyone is traveling their own path, and has lots of growing yet to do.  Middle school is a quick moment in the grand scheme of life (I know it seems so in your face right now, right?)  Take the time to learn something about that other individual.  Maybe they are struggling with a trauma, a learning challenge, or a social hurdle.  Think of it as an opportunity to grow your compassion skills. 

So give it a try today...try to reframe your troubles and look at them through a happy lens.  You may just realize that you become less angry, frustrated, and clouded.  Your ability to see and seek solutions to the things that plague you may become more clear when you have a "don't worry be happy" perspective.  

You can tell that this is a popular message...

Three Little Birds', Bob Marley is a great person to spotlight for today's Black History Month highlight.  Marley was a Jamaican singer and song-writer, but he was hugely influential around the world as he was one of the pioneers of the Reggae.  He helped bring this style to the world, singing about both peace and oppression.  His impact is widely felt today despite his death at a fairly young age.  Marley believed that "if humankind failed to stand together, it would fail to stand at all." (Gilmore).  Jamaican music had long been used to spread stories, and Marley's music continued that tradition - spreading stories to those in his homeland and abroad.   

Keep rising above Cougars, and shake it off cougars!

Be Happy,

Mrs. Hempey



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