
 Happy Monday Everyone,

In many arenas, there is an emphasis on inclusion in our culture and in our communities, but too often we get push back from people trying to divide us with negativity and hate.  We can choose which side of this issue we will land on.  Will we choose to tear others down because they don't fit some imaginary standard of what is right or wrong, or will we choose acceptance and love.  

Please take a few minutes to watch this today...

And now T.H.I.N.K...

Is what you do and say online (super important because lots of people hide behind screens and say and do hurtful things) and in-person...


If not, STOP and consider the kind of person you want to be.  Choose not to tear someone down.  Be an encourager and a cheerleader.  Respect other's differences and know that we all deserve equal opportunities.  Just because someone else gets something positive doesn't mean there is less for you.  

So remember to throw kindness rather than shade...  

 ...And have a great Monday!  

Be Well,

Mrs. Hempey


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