Happiness...a state of Mind

Good Thursday morning to you all!

I saw a couple of things about happiness yesterday that I wanted to share.  

Often times we talk about things that trigger us.  Meaning things that can happen to us or around us in everyday life that make us feel negative in some way.  "Triggers" can make us feel sad, worried  or angry.  Triggers could be things like being judged, being left out, being called a triggering name, failing at something we care about or being held accountable for poor choices.  We should know these triggers so that we are not blindsided by our emotions when they happen.   We can prepare for the feelings and emotions we will experience when we encounter them.   

Equally important, however, is the idea that we should also be in tune with our happiness triggers.  If we can be in tune with these triggers then we can practice self-care when the chips are down, or before they are down, to stay in a positive place mentally.  Here are some examples of happiness triggers:   

What are some of your happiness triggers?  I like... a good desert, organizing my house, planning adventures, traveling, going to bookstores and libraries, walking in the woods,  building bike trails, watching TV in bed, sitting with my kids at the end of the day listening to music, and so many more!  

Make a list of your happiness triggers.  Small things and big things.  Just writing them down so that you have a concrete list of all the things that help make you happy is a good way to take positive steps towards a wellness mindset.  

With the thought of happiness being a mindset that you get to choose, I thought I'd share this photo also.  

Sometimes happiness eludes you, and you just have a day where you can't get out of your rut, but in general try to focus on the positives and make the best out of what ever level of the podium you are on, If you do this, you can positively affect your overall emotional and mental wellbeing and deal more effectively with the tough stuff that comes your way. 

I hope you all have a great day today!  Happy Friday eve.  

Be Well, 
Mrs. Hempey 




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