A Song Couldn't Hurt

Welcome to Tuesday, Everyone,

Sometimes when we are in a funk, it's hard to figure out why.  We tend to default to sad and mad, but sometimes it's more than that, or just different than that.  Sometimes it's just hard to identify the feeling that we are feeling.  

Have a listen to Grover and Dave...

I want you all to remember that all of your feelings and emotions are valid and important and normal.  It's how you manage them that's the trick.  

If you are mad, you can't just lash out at others, you have to use tools to calm your body, (breath, count, or move).  Then figure out why you are mad, and then, if needed, address it directly with the person involved and in a calm and respectful way.  

If you are sad, having a good cry and/or a good conversation is helpful.  So is acknowledging that your sadness is an important component of love.  Sometimes something or someone we love has hurt us, however unintentionally.  Sometimes we've lost someone we care about.  Sadness reminds us that we are capable of love, so it's okay to feel it, sit with it, and surround ourselves with support until the hurt subsides.  

If you are worried, talk to someone about your worries.  Remember that a burden shared is a burden halved (Webb).  

When you share your worries, you can make a plan of action to address them.  Any trusted adult will do, and a good friend will listen too.  Just remember to find an adult if the worries become so heavy that you or your friend are at risk in some way.  

These are just a few of the many feelings we may be feeling, but there are many more...

Middle school can be a time where the feelings come hard and fast, so don't be afraid to come in to talk it out when you are not sure where else to turn.  And please don't ever be ashamed of your feelings.  It's okay to own how you feel and to express how you feel, as long as it's not hurting someone else.  Feelings are normal and important.  Check out this article that further explains the importance of feelings and emotions.    

I feel pleased each day that you allow me into your world!  

Thank you & Be well,

Mrs. Hempey


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