Be Bold...Be Courageous
Happy Tuesday!
So when we're worrying, or time traveling in our minds, or doubting our next steps, what to do??? Try some mindfulness.
I ran across this snippet the other day...
It made me think about mindfulness and the idea that there are so many what-ifs out there - especially these days. It reminded me about how staying in the present and making the best decisions we can with the information we have is really the only thing we can do. We can't be time travelers - letting our past mistakes affect our future successes or our unknown futures prevent us from making bold courageous choices - when we need to be grounded, or make thoughtful, calm, rational choices.
This idea also made me think about the Listen to the MUSTN'TS poem by Shel Silverstein, which I think I may have blogged about last year, but it bears repeating...
Practice not letting the uncertainty overtake you. Be bold and courageous, and be awesome. You've got this!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Mrs. Hempey
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