Letter Love and Warm Fuzzies!

Happy Wednesday!  

Remember a few days ago when we talked about our "nations" and our need for human connections?  Don't remember it...read it here.  In that blog post, I touched on the understanding that people need people.  As a species, we need connections from birth to death in order to live fulfilling happy lives.  Today I wanted to share a story that I read which supports this understanding and takes it a step even further.  The story talks about the idea of being seen.   Check it out here.  Just read it...it's not very long...go ahead... read it!  

Okay, now that your smiling and feeling all warm and fuzzy, I'll remind you that the author quotes a friend who says, "We all just want to be seen, known and loved."  Sometimes, even when we are a part of a nation, we can go through times in our lives where we feel unseen, and this is when loneliness, anxiety, and depression can creep in.  The point of my blog today is to remind you that you need to both see and be seen.  

To see is to notice those around you that support you each day (during this pandemic and our physical distancing and when we get back to real life too).  Thank someone who has helped you.  Notice, and praise someone who has taken care of a person you love or the community.  Compliment someone on a job well done.  Make a connection with someone who could use it.  Reach out to say hello or share a story simply because you can.  Just notice.  During this pandemic, our country has stopped and taken notice of those doing jobs that we tend to either brush aside as unimportant or simply take for granted.   Migrant workers and farmers have put food on our tables, retail employees have made sure that we have had food, medicines, and needed personal care items, first responders have continued care for us when we have had emergencies, those in the field of information technology have kept us connected, teachers have adapted like Gumby to keep you learning and growing, the news media has pounded the pavement to keep you informed, and postal workers, warehouse employees, and delivery persons have made sure we've received everything from books to board games,  and party supplies to puzzles while we've been able to stay safe in the comfort of our homes.  

Please take the time to see those around you!  Everyone has significance, everyone has worth, and everyone deserves to be seen in the world.  Simply saying to someone, "I see you," can brighten a day, and make a difference in one's life.  

Now, to be seen, you sometimes need to take some initiative.  Yes, it's nice when others notice you without prompting, and we all like it when we are praised for our good deeds, good work, or for simply being awesome, but realistically that may not happen as much as you need it to.  If you are feeling unseen or unheard and it's making you sad, anxious, or unhappy, you need to speak up and reach out!  Just as the author in the linked article describes, he made excuses for not seeking the support he needed, but finally, he decided to ask for it.  Asking for help doesn't mean you are weak.  It doesn't mean you are bad or unlovable, or weird, and it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you.  Remember, I started this post by reminding your that belonging is paramount to human survival, we all need it!  Asking for connection doesn't make you weak.  It just makes you human.  

I have posted them before, but I'll post them here again.  Here are your resources if you need help:  

School Staff:
Mrs. Hempey - jhempey@huusd.org or call or text 560-5163
Mr. Estes - joshestes@huusd.org
Nurse Saunders - ksaunders@huusd.org
Britt Hock - bhock@huusd.org
Any other trusted Adult

24/7 Crisis Hotlines:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1800-273-TALK *8255*
VT Crisis Text Line - Text "VT" to 741741

Additional Resources:
Washington County Mental Health and Washington County Mental Health Screeners - 802-229-0691
Vermont 211 - Dial anywhere in VT or visit www.Vermont211.org
Umatter U Can Get Help

National Hopeline Network:  800-442-HOPE *4673*
Screening for Mental Health - In-person and online screening programs for depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, substance abuse, and suicide prevention.

GLBT National Health Center  - 888-843-GLBT *4564*
GLT National Youth Talkline - 800-246-PRIDE*7743* - Online Peer Support Chat - Telephone volunteers in their teens and early twenties speak with teens and young adults up to age 25 about coming-out issues, relationship concerns, parent issues, school problems, HIV/AIDS, anxiety and more.
The Trevor Project - Trevor Lifeline 866-488-7386  www.TrevorSpace.org Trevor Chat: 202-304-1200 Trevor Text: Text the word "Trevor" - Providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ Youth
Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860

From the VT Department of Mental Health - Suicide is preventable; five steps you can take to get help
From the VT Department of Mental Health - Suicide is Rare and Preventable    

Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-228-7395
Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-489-7273
Teen Dating Abuse: 1-866-331-9474

VT Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence


You don't ever have to be alone.  Please do not be afraid to be seen.  Get with your nation, talk to someone, share your story, be willing to be vulnerable and I am sure you will be surprised and pleased at the amount of vulnerability that others will share with you in return.  Also, keep in mind that seeing and being seen go hand in hand.  When you recognize and support others, the recognition may come back to you 10 fold.   For the young girl in the linked story, it started with one letter to her mail carrier and the love she received in return went beyond what she or her father ever expected.  

At the start of this post, I wrote, "now that your smiling and feel all warm and fuzzy..."  Those weren't misplaced words.  Before I conclude, I wanted you to listen to the story of the Warm Fuzzies and the Cold Pricklies...



So get out there and get seeing!  Take the time to notice the goodness in others and in the world around you.  Hand out lots of Warm Fuzzies, resist the temptation to spread Cold Pricklies, and your bucket will be full in return, I guarantee! 

 I See You!

Mrs. Hempey


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